Officers and Directors
The Hawai‘i Branch’s all-volunteer Board meets regularly during the year to manage the operation of the Branch.
Natalie Haggerty, Ph.D.
Natalie Haggerty is an Instructor at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Department of Special Education. She is a Cohort Coordinator for the Exceptional Students Elementary Education (ESEE) program, and is passionate about pre-service teacher preparation. She received her doctorate in Education – Exceptionalities from the UH-Mānoa College of Education. Her research interests include evidence-based practices and literacy instruction for students with reading difficulties. Natalie previously served in various teaching and administrative roles at Assets School and is the parent of a young adult with dyslexia.
Kathleen Hassler, M.Ed.
Vice President
Kathleen Hassler has over twenty years of classroom teaching experience and is a learning specialist at a private school in Honolulu, Hawai’i. She is a doctoral candidate in the Exceptionalities Ph.D. Program in the Department of Special Education at the University of Hawai‘i, College of Education. Her research interests are early literacy and reading interventions for students with reading difficulties, inclusive education for diverse students with learner variability, and teacher preparation and training. While working closely with student support team members, classroom teachers, and parents, Kathleen provides professional development and instructional support for teachers and learning opportunities for parents. She also works directly with struggling students to foster confidence and build independent learning strategies and academic skills. Kathleen completed Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham, structured literacy training, believes strongly in HIDA’s mission and is Chair of the HIDA Program Committee.
Ned Rodrigues is a Vice President with Bank of Hawai‘i and primarily manages the commercial real estate construction loan process. Ned has over 30 years of experience in the commercial real estate lending. She is currently a Director of the Filipino Chamber of Commerce of Hawai‘i and the Filipino Community (FilCom) Center. Ned is graduate of Waipahu High School and attended Hawai‘i Pacific University. Dyslexia is very near and dear to her as her motto is we are not all the same.
Kimble McCann, Ph.D.
Kimble McCann is an educator with a HUGE passion for supporting all stakeholders in learning. He holds a Ph.D. in Learning Design and Technology from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. His research interests and professional expertise include universal design for learning (UDL) and technological-pedagogical-and-content knowledge (TPACK). He has served as a special education teacher, instructional designer, senior instructional technology specialist and educational consultant and is currently an IT project manager for Kamehameha Schools. His personal connection with dyslexia stems from growing up with a dyslexic father.
Lynn Dagli has been an early childhood educator for over 16 years and has taught at Hongwanji Mission School (HMS) since 2013. Her joy is teaching and learning from her kindergarteners at HMS. She is an advocate for early intervention and passionate about helping students discover their true potential. Lynn is an Orton-Gillingham Approach trained private tutor and a Coach for the Hawaiʻi Positive Engagement Project (H-PEP).
Shannon Davies is part owner and manager of Kailani Farms LLC, an organic farm on Kaua‘i’s North Shore. She has a 10-year old son who was born with mild cerebral palsy who has also been diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Shannon is a strong supporter of assistive technology in the classroom and feel it is an invaluable resource for both children and adults with physical and learning disabilities. She is passionate about parents being strong advocates for their children and in supporting their children to become strong self-advocates. Shannon is currently working on completing her Liberal Arts degree through a distance learning program.
Susannah Johnson, M.Ed.
Susannah Johnson For thirteen years in the classroom and through research centering on twice exceptional learners, Susannah spent over a decade at Assets High School developing truly individualized instruction grounded in critical thinking, authenticity, and passion. Susannah received her Master of Education degree in 2016, is a regular presenter at the Schools of the Future Conference and the International Conference for Critical Thinking, as well as the author of articles about this unique pedagogy. Susannah continues to pursue knowledge and evolving educational strategies, using her own global explorations to ignite ideas in education innovation through Individualized Realized, LLC. She is also a Co-Founder with IMPACT Bound, education reimagined, and PLN Project, bringing individualized learning to life with global cohorts, and is the Director of Global and Grassroots Curriculum and Coaching for What School Could Be.
Jennifer Leoiki-Drino
Jennifer Leoiki-Drino – Founder of Coaching For Ohana. She is certified Empowerment Coach,
Consultant and Advocate specializing in Dyslexia and co-existing factors. Jennifer brings a unique
perspective from being neurodivergent herself, being the parent of a child with dyslexia and having
worked extensively with teachers, students and parents in a variety of schools. She has a deep level of
understanding and empathy for what it takes to walk in the footsteps of being dyslexic and the gifts and
challenges that dyslexia brings. Jennifer is passionate about educating people on learning differences
and guiding individuals and families on their journey with Dyslexia. Jennifer is the Private School
Representative with the Hawaii Department of Education Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC).
Jennifer is Chair of the HIDA Public Awareness Committee.
Lisa Nakamura was a teacher at Assets School in Honolulu for 23 years, where she used Orton-Gillingham, RAVE-O, Project Read, Read Naturally and Lindamood-Bell LIPS and Visualizing/Verbalizing, to remediate students with dyslexia, ADHD and other learning difficulties. She currently applies this considerable expertise as the Learning Support Specialist in Reading (Holomua) for grades 3-5 at Kamehameha Elementary School on Maui. She is also a member of the Kūkulu Kumuhana MTSS Care Team, helping to develop academic and behavioral support plans for Tier 2 and 3 students. Lisa previously served a 3-year term on the HIDA Board and its Program Committee. Her goal in serving this time is to help spread to the neighbor islands awareness and understanding of learning differences, as well as the importance of Structured Literacy instruction for all children.
Jessica Stack is a lifelong educator who excels in uncovering the talents hidden within students and organizations. She enjoys helping people find, foster and fund their passion projects. She taught in Hawai‘i public and private schools for over 7 years and has served as a private tutor and student support coordinator. Jessica is a business owner, grant writer and project manager of HayStack Essentials.
Tammy Toma
Executive Director
Tammy Toma is the Hawai’i Branch of IDA’s (HIDA) Executive Director as of November 2022 and its sole employee. Tammy comes to HIDA with a diverse background, including nearly 12 years as a regional manager with ‘Ōlelo Community Media and a district manager for a large insurance carrier. She has worked with diverse learners in a college setting.
In Memoriam
Betty Ishii
The HIDA ‘ohana is mourning the loss of long-time HIDA leader Elizabeth (Betty) Ishii, who passed away on February 9, 2021. Betty joined the HIDA Board in 2006 and served as president from 2009-2011. After her term as president ended, Betty continued to be active with HIDA’s Public Awareness Committee, serving as committee chair into early 2019.
Betty’s contributions to every aspect of HIDA’s work played a significant role in HIDA evolving into the community leader, and award-winning IDA branch, that it is today. Betty Ishii gave relentlessly of herself and will be remembered always at HIDA with respect and gratitude. She is greatly missed.
Click here to read the article in its entirety.
Cal Sakata
Former Hawai‘i Branch Board member and longtime DOE Special Education teacher Cal Sakata lost his five year battle with cancer in July 2009. Cal was a beloved teacher who served on the Hawai‘i Branch Board from 1996 through 2001, and again from 2003 through 2007. In 2002, he was selected as the Hawai‘i Branch’s Volunteer of the Year. Cal’s memorial service was a testament to the many people he touched throughout his life. The overflowing crowd of over 500 people included his family, friends, colleagues and students. It was a festive atmosphere filled with loving stories of Cal, punctuated by tears and laughter. The chapel and crowd were adorned with images of Mickey Mouse. Cal had requested that everyone wear something with Mickey Mouse on it to honor one of his idols – Walt Disney*. According to Leandra Pace, Cal’s longtime co-worker and dear friend who delivered the eulogy, one of Walt Disney’s quotes became Cal’s motto: “If you can dream it, you can do it!”
Click here to read the eulogy in its entirety.
*We have learned that according to the Walt Disney Family Museum, there is no indication anywhere in Walt’s history that he had dyslexia.
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