In 2016, over 300 parents, teachers, tutors and others received information, resources and strategies to help struggling readers by attending the HIDA-sponsored events listed below.   All events were held on Oahu unless otherwise specified in ( ).

Schedule a presentation for your school, business, parent or community group. Contact HIDA Executive Director, Margaret Higa at mhiga.hi@dyslexiaida.org or (808) 538-7007 for more information. Mahalo!

MHiga - Kawai August 2016ldah-hilo-20162016 Education Summit2016-proclamation-allhida-2016-olelo-bc-award-2IMG_20160618_101300

Dyslexia 101/Overview (Kauai, Oahu)

An overview of language-based reading difficulties, such as dyslexia, and how these affect learning.

Helpful Tips and Strategies from Parents to Parents 

Practical tips and resources to support and assist children with dyslexia.

Interactive Dyslexia Simulations (Kauai, Oahu)

Simple activities designed to give a hands-on awareness of what persons with dyslexia encounter every day. While it is never possible to recreate another person’s world, we hope that this presentation provides a brief glimpse through the eyes of individuals with dyslexia.

Journey Into Dyslexia Documentary (Kauai)

The film examines the complexities of the dyslexic brain − showing how it is structured differently − and debunks myths and misconceptions about dyslexia.  The filmmakers interviewed students and adults who shared their struggles and methods of coping. 

Dyslexia Resource Fair in collaboration with Assets School

Mayor Kirk Caldwell opened the Fair by presenting his Proclamation of October 2016 as Dyslexia Awareness Month in the City & County of Honolulu. The Fair offered opportunities to interact with and ask questions of educators and parents of children with dyslexia. Breakout session topics included:  Dyslexia; MSL Instruction; Helpful Tips/Strategies from Parents to Parents; Interactive Dyslexia Simulations

Community Outreach/Resource Fairs (Hawai‘i Island, Kauai, Oahu)

HIDA-hosted dyslexia information and resource tables with “make-and-take” bookmarks for the keiki.

  • Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) Annual Conference
  • P.A.R.E.N.T.S. Resource Fair
  • Learning Disabilities Association of Hawai‘i (LDAH) Traveling Mini Conference (Hawai’i Island, Kauai, Oahu)
  • Macy’s Kapolei Charity Shopping Day

Island School Teacher In-Service Day in collaboration with Kumukela Academy of Innovative Learning (Kauai)

Instructional topics: Supporting All Learners – Accommodation vs. Remediation; Best Teaching Practices for Middle School Students Across All Content Domains

HIDA On-Air in 2016 

During the 2016 International Dyslexia Association Annual Conference and Branch Council Meeting held in Orlando, Florida, HIDA was recognized as the Branch Excellence Award recipient for Marketing & Communications.

HIDA received the award for collaboration with ‘Ōlelo Community Media in producing a 30-second Public Service Announcement (PSA) and a 28-minute instructional segment focused on increasing dyslexia awareness and how parents can have a significant role in early identification of and intervention for their children.

This is the first in a series of instructional segments regarding dyslexia. Future HIDA segments will focus on science-based teaching techniques, accommodations, interventions and assistive technology.

Mahalo to HIDA’s awesome volunteers for all their efforts in bringing these projects to fruition and to ῾Ōlelo Community Media for the wonderful community services they provide! 

Click here to watch the PSA.

HIDA’s original production, “Dyslexia 101 – Parents: Trust Your Instincts” is now airing at www.olelo.org/olelonet; search “Dyslexia 101” if the program fails to load when clicking on the link.

Pictured below, (Seated, L-R): Kawailehua Pakjake (HIDA Board Member); Michelle Kinimaka (HIDA Volunteer); Charles Bering (HIDA Board President); Kau’i Alapa, (HIDA Volunteer)

(Standing, L-R): Moke Ka`apana (HIDA Volunteer); Corinne Makahilahila (`Ōlelo Staff); Lina Kikuta (HIDA Volunteer); Margaret Higa (HIDA Executive Director)

Photo credit: Bethany Higa


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