- Updated and enhanced 2nd edition (2018)
- Click here to download the Resource Guide (PDF) authored by UH Professor and former IDA Hawai‘i Branch Board Member Kathy Ferguson, Ph.D.
- An annotated bibliography of the 1st edition (2008) of the Resource Guide is available. Read more…
- Click here to download the IDA Hawai‘i Branch brochure on dyslexia.
- Click here to download the 22 page booklet with practical tips from IDA Hawai‘i Branch members. We hope that sharing these tips and ideas will help parents and teachers assist their children with dyslexia.
Psychoeducational Evaluation: Click here for a list of professionals who do comprehensive assessment/evaluation for dyslexia. While the IDA or the IDA Hawai‘i Branch do not endorse or recommend any individuals or businesses, the list is available to help inform parents and others seeking professional assessment/evaluation services. Contact the providers directly for more information about their professional services and fees.
- Click on the following link for more information from the International Dyslexia Association about assessment for dyslexia:
Dyslexia Assessment: What Is It and How Can It Help?
- Get Ready to Read Screening Tool is designed to be used by parents and early education providers with children ages 3-5 in the year before they enter kindergarten.
- Lexercise (www.lexercise.com) offers a free online screener to help determine if a child may need help or be at risk for dyslexia. Click on the following link to access the screener: Online Dyslexia Test
- U.S. Department of Education policy guidance on IDEA/IEP terms, including dyslexia: click here to download the U.S.DOE 4-page letter
Tutor Resource List:HIDA Structured LiteracyTutor List 2023 9-12 for a list of private, fee-for-service tutors in Hawai’i who have received training in one or more Structured Literacy teaching approach. While the IDA or the IDA Hawai‘i Branch do not endorse or recommend any individuals, the list is available to help inform parents and others seeking professional tutoring services. Contact the private tutors directly for more information about their professional certifications, training, services and fees.
Click on the following links for more information on effective reading instruction and dyslexia:
IDA Dyslexia Handbook: What Every Family Should Know
The IDA Hawai‘i Branch Library
The IDA Hawai‘i Branch has CDs, DVDs and books on dyslexia that you can borrow and presentations to help you learn about the latest advances in the field. The IDA Hawai‘i Branch also has volunteer members who have been in your shoes, and who are willing to support you through the process. Contact us at the IDA Hawai‘i Branch.
Comprehensive Plan for Teaching Reading in Hawai‘i Schools
In the 2013 Legislative Session, SCR 120, SD 2 was adopted unanimously by the Hawai‘i Legislature. In SCR 120, the Legislature asks the Department of Education (DOE), together with the University of Hawai‘i (UH), and Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board (HTSB), to evaluate recommendations in the Working Group’s Comprehensive Plan for Teaching Reading in Hawaii Schools – in particular with respect to dyslexia awareness, professional development for teachers to support students with dyslexia and other literacy challenges, and licensed literacy specialists – and, the DOE to submit a report to the 2014 Legislature on the status of its efforts to provide these support services.
- Click here to read Frequently Asked Questions regarding regarding SCR 120 and the Comprehensive Plan for Teaching Reading in Hawai‘i Schools.
- Click here to read the Hawai‘i Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Literacy Specialist Work Group Report and Approval of Criteria for Licensure.
- Click here for information regarding HTSB approval of Orton-Gillingham certifications for adding teacher license fields.
- Click here to read the DOE’s report to the 2014 State Legislature.
- Click here to read the IDA Hawai‘i Branch letter to the 2014 State Legislature.
- Click here for more information about the new M.Ed. in Special Education Literacy Specialist offered by the University of Hawai‘i Manoa College of Education, Special Education.
The IDA Hawai‘i Branch is sincerely grateful for these efforts and believe that, collectively, they are a great step forward in improving reading instruction in public schools, especially for children with dyslexia and other struggling readers. We have asked the State Legislature to continue to monitor progress made by the DOE, UH, and HTSB, and to use their influence as appropriate, on this important matter. We understand they all have many matters on their plates – but teaching Hawaii’s children to read must be one of the highest priorities – if not the highest priority – for our schools.
Important Decision
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals released (September 2011) a very important decision defining the educational rights of children with dyslexia. Click here to read a summary and download the Court’s 30-page opinion.
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