The International Dyslexia Association Hawai‘i Branch is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to increase awareness of dyslexia in our community; provide support for people with dyslexia, families and educators; promote teacher training; and, improve literacy for struggling readers.
Our members are educators, psychologists, physicians, individuals with dyslexia, and parents who have dealt with learning disability issues within local public and private schools. Many of our over 100 members are actively involved in the diagnosis and remediation of dyslexia.The IDA Hawai‘i Branch’s primary activities include:
- Promoting of professional development for teachers in research-based Structured Literacy (aka Multisensory Structured Language-“MSL”) approaches for teaching students with dyslexia to read and write; a huge added benefit is that studies have shown that Structured Literacy approaches also help students without dyslexia learn to read. Unfortunately, these teaching methods are generally not part of a teacher’s undergraduate curriculum.
- Presentations to parent groups, schools and other persons impacted by dyslexia, including physicians and employers, to help them to better address the challenges faced by persons with dyslexia and to educate them on accommodations and resources available in Hawai’i
- Development and distribution of free publications, including A Resource Guide About Dyslexia for People in Hawai’i (2nd ed, 2018), written by Kathy Ferguson, Ph.D. (UH Manoa); to date, over 8,000 copies have been distributed statewide; Tips for Parents and Families of Children with Dyslexia, a 22 page booklet with practical tips from IDA Hawai’i Branch members
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